“Do your buddies a favor; Give us a call and leave ‘em at home.”
Many years managing in the kennel and boarding industry taught me one, (amongst many others) very important lesson about our dogs; when we leave town, they’d much rather stay home than be left at a boarding facility. They eat better, they sleep better and yes, they even poop better. (Truth be told... don't we all?)
When our dogs are without us, they miss us. When they are without us for extended periods of time, they REALLY miss us. Why compound their stress by leaving them stranded in a strange place, surrounded by a host of other stressed out, lonely pups who are missing their humans?
You see, On paper, most facilities sound pretty o.k., (and to be sure, they have the best intentions) but at home, your dog is in a familiar, comfortable environment. They are home, where they can keep their own toys and routine. They get to sleep on their own bed… or your bed maybe? They are not exposed to airborne viruses such as Kennel Cough. At home they are safe from fights with other dogs. There just isn’t a lot of incentive for your buddy to want to board somewhere.
The Truth:
“… but at home, your dog is in a familiar, comfortable environment. They are home…”
Our pets prefer their routine. They’re already without their favorite humans for however long. Why not let them stay in their comfort zone? Hire a professional who will become their trusted confidant in your absence and give them the personalized attention they deserve.
The Solution:
“They’re already without their favorite humans for however long. Why not let them stay in their comfort zone?”